Pietro Chierichetti was born in Abbiategrasso (MI) in 1978.
Education |
2002 Master’s
Degree in Italian Literature at the Faculty of Modern Humanities at the
University of Studies of Milan.
2005 Teaching
Diploma at the Sacro Cuore Catholic University in Milan.
2007 “Summer
School in Spoken Sanskrit” at the Ruprecht –Karls Universität of Heidelberg (Germany)
2008 Sanskrit
Course at the Cesmeo (International Institute for Advanced Asian Studies) in
2008 Master’s
Degree in Sanskrit Language and Literature at the Interfaculty of Religion
Sciences of the University of Studies of Turin with a dissertation with the
title “The Aśvamedha in the Rāmāyaṇa”
2008 Study
and research period in India.
2009 Special
Prize “Gli Speciali di Unito” for the best dissertation of the year.
2009 Specialization
Diploma for the Teaching of Italian Literature at the University Consortium
of Rome
2010 Study and research period at the Philipps Universität of Marburg (Germany) |
2009 Study
and research period at the Leiden Universiteit (Netherlands)
2010 Specialization
Diploma for the Teaching of Italian Language as L2 at the University
Consortium of Rome
2011 Certification issued by the Modern Philology School of Higher Education in collaboration with the Sacro Cuore Catholic University of Milan, the University of Studies of Milan and the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan. |
2012 PhD degree in
Indology at the Euro-Asian Studies PhD School: Indology, Linguistics,
Onomastics of Turin with a dissertation titled “L’Āśvalāyanaśrautasūtra come
fonte per lo studio dell’aśvamedha. Analisi della stringa rituale secondo un
metodo olistico” (The Āśvalāyanaśrautasūtra as source for the study of the aśvamedha.
Analysis of the ritual string through a holistic approach) Lectures, talks,
and conference presentations
Lectures, talks and conference presentations |
2009 Lecture on “I
mantra come atti rituali” (The Mantras as Ritual Acts) within the course
History and Civilization of India at the University of Studies of Turin.
2011 Lecture on “Il
sacrificio dell’aśvamedha negli śrautasūtra: metodi e prospettive di ricerca”
(The Aśvamedha sacrifice in the Śrautasūtras: methods and perspectives of
research) within the Seminar of Vedic organized by the University of Studies
of Pavia
2011 Lecture on
“Danza e teatro in India: l’Abhinayadarpaṇa di Nandikeśvara” (Dance and Theater
in India: the Abhinayadarpaṇa of Nandikeśvara) within the course on Oriental
Theaters at the University of Studies of Bologna.
2011 Lecture
“Storia, art e Archeologia del
Gandhāra” (History, Art and Archeology of Gandhāra) at the Archeological
Museum of Lomellina, Gambolò, Italy.
2012 Lecture
“Prima dell’India” (Before India) at the Archeological Museum of Lomellina,
Gambolò, Italy.
2012 Lecture “Le paribhāṣā
negli śrautasūtra: problemi, opportunità e prodromi all’indagine” (The paribhāṣās
in the śrautasūtras: problems, opportunities ans prodromes to an enquiry)
within the Day for the Methodological Studies in Indology organized by the Euro-Asian
Studies PhD School: Indology, Linguistics, Onomastics of Turin.
2012 Lecture “Induismo:
alcuni aspetti” (Hinduism: some problems), Dipartimento di Culture, Politica
e Società, University of Turin.
2013 Conversazione
a passeggio tra le opere indiane del MAO (a cura del prof. Alberto Pelissero
e del dott. Pietro Chierichetti) and Conferenza e dimostrazione pratica
dedicata al teatro-danza indiano a cura di Pietro Chierichetti e Antonella
Usai: introduce il prof. Alberto Pelissero.
2014 Le categorie
del rasa nel nāṭya di Bharata attraverso gli abhinaya di Nandikeśvara in the
International conference “Danzare Il Nāṭya. Teatro-Danza Indiano: La
Tradizione Oggi” In collaborazione con il Corso di laurea Magistrale in
Lingue e culture dell’Asia e dell’Africa – Università di Bologna e
Associazione Culturale Jaya. Con il patrocinio del Consolato Generale
dell’India a Milano, Bologna, Italy.
2014 Lecture “Some
aspects of ritual activity in ancient India: the creativity of ritual acts”
at the Seminario popolare sul Pensiero dell’Estremo Oriente 2014” (SPPEO
2014: “Agire o non-agire? Strategie di pensiero/azione in Oriente e
Occidente, Cefalù, Italy.
2014 Lecture “Le
dinamiche spaziali nel rituale dell'India antica”, Università degli Studi di
Milano - Dipartimento di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi
Interculturali, Seminario: “Teoria e prassi dello spazio in India”.
Teaching experiences |
2015 Course “Culture and Civilizations of India” at the UNITRE (University of Third Age) of Pavia, Pavia, Italy (10 hours per year) |
2012 Course
“Elements of Hindu Culture” at the Civic Library of Vigevano, Vigevano, Italy
(10 hours)
2012 Course
“Sanskrit and civilizations of India” at the Civic Library of Vigevano,
Vigevano, Italy (18 hours)
Publications |
2010 “L’Abhinayadarpaṇa
di Nandikeśvara” (translation, notes and introduction by Pietro
Chierichetti), Alfredo Ferrero Editore, Ivrea, 2010, ISBN 978-88-969-6000-4.
2010 Review
“Āśvamedhika Parva in the Mahābhārata”, by Jaimini, transcreated by Shekhar
Sen, A Writers Workshop Saffronbird, Pradip Bhattacharya, Calcutta, 2008, in
Kervan, n. 12 (July 2010), p. 98, ISSN
2010 Review “L’India
contemporanea. Dall’indipendenza all’era della globalizzazione”, by Matilde
Adduci, Carocci, Bologna, 2009, in Humanitas n. 5-6 (2010), p. 1010, ISBN 978-88-372-2464-6.
2010 Review
“L’economia dell’India”, by Stefano Chiarlone, Carocci, Bologna, 2008, in Humanitas, n. 5-6 (2010), p. 1011, ISBN 978-88-372-2464-6.
2010 Review
“India: una geografia politica”, by Antonella Rondinone, Carocci , Bologna,
2008, in Humanitas, n. 5-6 (2010), pp. 1010-1011, ISBN 978-88-372-2464-6.
2010 Review
“Harānandalaharī. Volume in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth
Birthday”, edited by Ryutaro and Albrecht Wezler, Dr. Inge Wezler Verlag für
Orientalische Fachpublikationen, Reinbeck, 2000, in Kervan, n. 12 (July
2010), p. 99, ISSN 1825-263X.
2011 The aśvamedha
in the Rāmāyaṇa: a way to re-establish the primordial unity of the sacrifice
in “Il sacrificio alla base della costruzione dell’identità indiana: due
studi specifici” (edited by Alberto Pelissero and Pietro Chierichetti),
Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2011, pp. 1-66, ISBN 978-88-627-4279-5.
2011 L’aśvamedha
nella storia. Un’indagine sulle testimonianze storiche della celebrazione del
sacrificio del cavallo in India (The Aśvamedha in the History. A survey on
the historical sources of the horse sacrifice celebration in India), in Kervan, n. 13/14 (July 2011), pp. 127-145,
ISSN 1825-263X.
2011 Review,
“Hinduismo antico, vol. I, Dalle origini vediche ai Purāṇa”, edited by
Francesco Sferra, Mondadori, Milano, 2010, in Humanitas, n. 1 (2011),
Morcelliana, Brescia, pp. 165-166, ISBN 978-88-372-2397-7.
2011 Review “Yoga.
La dolcezza del suono immortale (Amṛtanādopaniṣat)”, edited by Stefano Piano,
Lakṣmī, Roma, 2010 and “Yoga. Il sentiero verso l’Assoluto non duale (Advayatārakopaniṣat)”,
edited Stefano Piano, Lakṣmī, Roma, 2010 in Humanitas, n. 2-3 (2011),
Morcelliana, Brescia, pp. 508-509, ISBN 978-88-372-2503-2.
2011 Review “Guru.
Il fondamento della civiltà dell’India. Con la prima traduzione italiana del
‘Canto sul Maestro’”, by Antonio Rigopoulos, Carocci, Roma, 2009, in
Humanitas, n. 4 (2011), Morcelliana, Brescia, pp. 706-707, ISBN 978-88-372-2534-6.
2011 Review “Lumi
dall’Oriente. L’orientalismo e suoi nemici”, by Robert Irwin, Donzelli
Editore, Roma, 2008, in Humanitas, n. 4 (2011), Morcelliana, Brescia, pp.
716-717, ISBN 978-88-372-2534-6.
2012 La dottrina
degli avatāra come prova per la datazione dell’Abhinayadarpaṇa di
Nandikeśvara (The avatāra doctrine as a proof to date the Abhinayadarpaṇa of
Nandikeśvara), in Antropologia e Teatro. Rivista di studi [online], vol. 100,
n. 3 (2012), without pagination, ISSN 2039-2281.
2012 La stringa
rituale. Una teoria delle varianti ritualistiche attraverso l’analisi del
sacrificio indiano. KERVAN, vol. 16; p. 25-73, ISSN: 1825-263X
2013 Hinduism in
Italy. In: Knut A Jacobsen, Helene Basu, Angelika Malinar, Vasudha Narayanan.
Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism / Vol. V, Religious symbols, Hinduism and
migration: contemporary communities outside South Asia, Some modern religious
groups and teachers. vol. 22/5, p. 257-261, LEIDEN: Brill, ISBN/ISSN:
2013 L’Āśvalāyanaśrautasūtra
come fonte per lo studio dell’aśvamedha, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia,
Fondo di Studi Parini-Chirio, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2013, pp.
280, ISBN 978-88-907562-2-1.
2015 Some aspects
of ritual activity in ancient India. The creativity of ritual acts, in Agire
o non agire? Strategie di pensiero/azione in Oriente e Occidente, a cura di
Pietro Piro e Pietro Chierichetti, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, 2015, pp.
123-138, ISBN 978-88-400-1835-5
2015 An Attempt to
to Compare Nāṭyaśāstra and Abhinayadarpana: A Lexical Analysis on the Rasas
and the Sthāyibhāvas (Nāṭyaśāstra ch. VI-VII) and a Detailed Comparison of
the Head, the Eyes and the Neck Movements (Nāṭyaśāstra ch. VIII) Through the
Abhinayas. In: (a cura di) Casari Matteo e De Concini Giuditta, Danzare il Nāṭya.
Permanenze e trasformazioni del teatro-danza indiano, pp. 27-68, ISBN
2016 Sette isole
Sette oceani Il Bhūmiparvan: Geografia, miti e misteri nel Mahābhārata,
Edizioni Ester, Caprie (Novaretto), pp. 1-140, ISBN 978-88-996680-0-6
2017 Review
“Consecration Rituals in South Asia”, by István Keul (ed.), Brill,
Leiden-Boston, 2017, in Humanitas, n. 3 (2017), Morcelliana, Brescia, pp.
494-497, EAN 9788837231514.
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